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Fire Chief: Brandon Whitehurst

Hooks Volunteer Fire Department

The Hooks Volunteer Fire Department is always open.

Location: 1007 E Ave A Hooks, TX 75561
Non-Emergency Number: 903-547-2250

Please Dial 911 if you have an EMERGENCY!

Register for WEATHER alerts

Text HOOKSTX to 99411 for link


or visit


Burn Ordinance

The City of Hooks No Longer Requires a Burn Permit  -   Please Continue to follow all other guidelines in the Burn Ordinance - 


It is expected that a competent adult will be responsible for the burning of  natural grasses and leaves, unprocessed wood, and paper products. 


It is expected that the fire will be attended to at all times by a competent adult and any damages caused by an unattended fire will be the responsibility of the competent adult and or property owner. 

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