City of Hooks, Texas - Municipality
603 E Ave A Hooks, Texas 75561

Welcome to the City of Hooks, Texas!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our City!
Hooks is a city in Bowie County, Texas. The population was 2,769 at the 2010 United States Census. We are a part of the Texarkana metropolitan area. Hooks is on U.S. Highway 82 and the Texas Northeastern Railroad, thirteen miles west of Texarkana in eastern Bowie County. The town grew up around Warren Hooks' plantation in the late 1830s. Rail service began in 1876. A post office opened in 1884 with James Smith as postmaster. By 1890 the town had three churches, a school, two sawmills, a hotel, and 250 residents. By 1914 it had a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Hooks Herald, published by M. W. West; the population had reached 400. The population declined to 100 by 1925, but a boom in the late 1920s raised it to 350 by 1929. By 1936 it was again reported as 100. Shortly before the United States entered World War II, two large military installations, the Red River Army Depot and the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant are constructed just south of the town, spurring growth dramatically. The City of Hooks was incorporated in 1942.